
So, a few things about me.

For starters, I’m a Renaissance Soul with a weakness for puns, song parodies, gentle sarcasm, and slapstick humor. I also have a love of learning. When asked why I like to learn stuff, especially seemingly useless, random stuff, I say “because it’s there.” Hey, if it was a good enough reason to climb Mt. Everest, it’s good enough for me.

I love words and books. I’ve been a word nerd since my early school days. Yeah, I was that kid in English class who could diagram any sentence without breaking a sweat and who edited and corrected papers for my classmates. I was also the kid who never went anywhere without a book to read (I still don’t). I read so much that it could almost be considered a vice. We all have our weaknesses, I suppose.

I’m persnickety about using proper grammar, but I’m not one of those Grammar Police types. Let’s face it: no one likes the Grammar Police. I prefer to think of myself as a Grammar Peacekeeper. Let’s have subjects and verbs agree, leave no participle dangling, and relocate those misplaced modifiers. I admit to having a strong preference for the serial comma and lament that AP style feels differently. Doesn’t everyone have strong feelings about this issue?

I love technology too. In fact, I most of my career working with or in information technology as an analyst, technical writer, and project manager. I have a fondness for spreadsheets and I’m a sucker for gadgets. Currently, I work with the fine folks at Automattic on WordPress.com. This is my personal blog but you can contact me here if you want to talk about work stuff.

I travel…sometimes a lot…and mostly for work. Work travel might sound boring but I’m very fortunate that I don’t work for a boring company or with boring people. We have fun wherever we go. I’m also fortunate that I have had an opportunity to do quite a bit of personal travel too. When I’m not too exhausted or jet lagged, I blog about my trips and I try to keep the list of places I’ve been updated.

As I get older, I’ve found that I’m getting into life optimization, which is just what I call making the most of my limited number of trips around the sun. I look for ways to improve myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually with the ultimate goal of leading a balanced, satisfying, and useful life. I’m not always successful but I try.


2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Wendy,

    Just been looking at your blog. Very inspiring!
    I’m Jo, artist, writer, traveller, wild west nut intrigued by science and renaissance soul. I’ve recovered from thirty years of depression and I’m now writing about the rebuilding of my polymath creative lifestyle on my blog Creating My Odyssey.

    I’m hoping to reach people with mental health issues and creatives in general to give encouragement, inspiration and hopefully some enjoyment.

    I’ve also been writing a novel forever, on and off, particularly during young parenthood, to help keep me sane! It’s called Alias Jeannie Delaney and it’s the life story of a devastating cowgirl/outlaw/jailbird/deputy/rancher/mayor who’s the fastest gun in the west and also bisexual. I’m blogging about it on my site.

    I’d love to be in touch, so if you’re interested, send me a message. 🙂

    JO UK
    Facebook Jo Bennett
    (Most other social media platforms! Either Jo Clutton – married name – or Bennett. Must sort that out).


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