Why you Nerds be Haten?

A excellent post written by my friend and co-worker on containing your negativity, not wasting your time hating something, and not pushing people away with nonconstructive criticism. Read!

Chris Lauzon's Blog

I wanted to get something off my chest for a while, and now it is time.

Dear Nerds, my brothers and sisters, why are so many of you judgmental assholes?

Let me take a step back. I love to share information with people on facebook on twitter. I find something I love, and I post about it. I love music. I love Star Wars. I love working out. I love my San Francisco Giants. I love humor. I love a lot of things. I find that I am a much happier person when I spend more time celebrating life rather than criticizing it. There is a time and a place to be critical, especially when it comes to my self improvement, but for the most part I don’t relish in negativity (or the negativity of others).

So many people use social network platforms, and other methods of communication, to spread…

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